
quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Necklace art

Besides painting, another of my great passions has always been jewelry, and why not join my two passions into one. This medallion was made with a reproduction of one of my paintings called " You are loved " belonging to a set of Valentines Day paintings. I was very happy with the end result of this project, hope you like it too.

Além de pintar, outra das minhas grandes paixões sempre foi a bijutaria, e porque não juntar as minhas duas paixões numa só. Este medalhão foi feito com uma reprodução de uma das minhas telas chamada "You are loved", pertencendo a um conjunto de telas do dia dos namorados. Fiquei muito feliz com o resultado final deste projeto, espero que gostem também.

BJ  e façam ARTE
Kiss and make ART

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I was asked what watercolors I use in my artistic creations, I know that it is difficult to find the right watercolors, especially for tho...